Saturday, April 23, 2011

Prompt - A New Dance Movement

Someone starts a new dance movement.

  • It's unappreiciated by the masses
  • The Creator ends up ostracized
  • It takes on a new life of it's own

Yeah, yeah, wierd and random, I know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prompt - Waiting

Someone's waiting for something.

Extended: It's never going to come. The person has to come to terms with this- or stay in denial throughout.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Direction

Going to start posting daily prompts! Hopefully, I can get a killer backlog going.

Prompt: Someone decides they need to go a new direction in their life.

Extended: They might change their habits, their goals, the people they surround themself with, how they treat people, how they look, what they do, where they're going, etc.