Creative block. It sucks. It sucks hard. Luckily, there are zillions of ways to kick creative block and a quick search on google will give you lists upon lists of ways. I haven't had a serious case of creative block for quite a while. Here’s my comprehensive list on ways to kick your creative block. The ways that work best for me have bullet points that are dark gray.
· Set realistic goals
·Don't worry if it's crap! First drafts are always pretty crappy. Know it will get better if the future with every change you make.
· Schedule time to work on your pieces- treat it like a job
· Research your subject- know about what you’re going to write/create
· Revisit your older work
· Change your scenery
· Rework another’s creation- use it as a starting point and change it completely or just Redo it in another style and this may reassure you that you are still capable
· Look at things!
· Read stuff.
· Doodle- This one works really well for me. It stops me from thinking too much and allows me to do.
· Focus on something and write about it or render it. You’ll end up with an awesome descriptive piece/still-life.
· Remember things that have happened to you- Important events are especially awesome.
· Talk- There are a lot of forms of this one. Talk to a monkey, talk to a gravestone, talk to a friend. The point is, talking forces you to put things into words and to solidify your ideas, even if it’s just to an inanimate object. Inanimate objects are also awesome if you’re shy about your creations.
· Do some simple exercises.
Here are some writing ones. Here are some for visual artists.
· Alternate projects- just remember to go back eventually.
· Exercise/Stretch
· Try to work every day at least a little bit. This will help combat major creative blocks.
· Meditation
· Take a break- return to your work when you’re refreshed and relaxed
· Take a class and refresh or learn skills
· Listen to something new- music or just nice sounds
· Get rid of distractions! Hint: The internet is a huge distraction. Disconnect it for a while if you can.
· Start with your project- not with your e-mail or anything else
· Caffeinate- this is my go to for a lack of an attention span. I worship my caffeine. Just make sure you’re actually working on your prject after you caffeinate.
· Make an outline/sketch
· Always have something to writ/draw on and with. This can be a notebook, a sketchbook, loose-leaf paper, your iphone if it has the right app.
· Nap- be well rested
· Eat healthy- your brain will function better
· Clean your desk- its harder to concentrate in a clutter
· Crayons/markers- another favorite of mine. Get a big piece of paper and some bright non-professional writing utensils. Then create your outline or idea. My turn out messy, bright, and oh-so helpful. There are drawings and words and arrows points ever which way.
· Go to a site with prompts. This one has them, but so do others. Look for a blog post here listing sites offering prompts in the future!
· Sometimes you just have to make yourself create.
This is a great article on writer’s block and on how trying to break it can be so very distracting sometimes and can lead to more creative block. So, if you find yourself just doing things that are supposed to break your creative block all the time, instead of actually trying to write or create something, maybe you just need to sit down and force yourself. Take Nike's advice and just do it.
Don't believe me? Here's some more lists: