Okay, so maybe not that particular coincidence (although it inspired me to draw a frat boy with that above his bed), but coincidences in general. Surely you've experienced some crazy ones. And they're a great plot device, although you have to be careful not to use them too much and too obviously. You're readers will start to catch on if you're main character and his/her love interest keep running into each other. But it does happen. There can be arguments of fate vs. coincidence and there is a fabulous argument of luck/coincidence vs. miracles in the film Pulp Fiction.
So think about it. It may be what you need for that fateful meeting between the villain and the soon-t-be-orphan-hero's parents.
I completely agree that random coincidences can inspire you. I was trying to find my idea forever and I found it yesterday from saying Lithium, listening to the song Lithium, and running into the periodic table of elements. XD How's that for a coincidental moment of happiness.?