Thursday, February 3, 2011

Writing Exercise- Keep a Journal

Haha, you might be thinking, I'm not a thirteen year old girl! (or maybe you are and think the previous statement is inane stereotyping, in which case, more power to you.)

But seriously, a journal can be a valuable thing. It can foster a daily writing habit- one of the best habits to have if you have plans to make it professionally.

Also, it can be a great source of inspiration. Write about the people around you, the environment you're in, a particularly interesting conversation you had/overheard someone else having, etc. All of this can contribute to stories in the future. Also, it's a fabulous place to write down any ideas you have but can't necessarily pursue at the moment.

It's fabulously cheap as well. You can pick up a spiral bound for a dollar at most office supply stores and can steal a pen from free from your local dentist. :)

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