Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inspiration- Cliches Part 2

So the other day I wrote about using cliches for inspiration. Today, I am again, but another kind of cliche. The cliched phrase.

unwritten law
cruising the streets
the power behind the throne
rising tide 

All of these are something you can use as a jumping off point. Find a list and look at them. Base a story around them, a character, a plot point, anything. Or, you can just use them. Sometimes, when I'm feeling stuck, I'll write using pretty much just cliches. I'll jump from one to another. Lots of types of scenes have certain phrases that are used a lot- kissing scenes, sex, romance, fight scenes, mexican stand-offs, break-ups, awkward conversations... If you read a lot, you will often see phrases pop up in these scenes that are identical or very similar. And while later, you should definitely go back and change at least some to something more original, they're fine to start with.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Inspiration- Cliches

So, it may seem counter intuitive, but sometimes the easiest way to generate your own original content is to look at cliches in stories. Look at tired old plot elements and use some of them and reimagine others. And don't just rely on the stuff you know are cliches. Go looking. I know google turns out a ton of fantasy cliches and if you insert your preferred genre and cliches it will probably bring up a list.

For example: From this list, this is my favorite:
"Non-humans are very powerful and yet they don't rule the world."

Ooh, the things I could do with that. You could write a fantasy world based on why they don't use the world. You can write one where they do rule the world or one where they take over and those are just the three most obvious uses of this cliche. So get searching!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inspiration- illustrators

Art is always a great inspiration, but sometimes you want to look at a lot of similar images to create your own kind of hybrid in your mind to start with (or at least I do). Looking at illustrators' art is great for this. I'm currently obsessed with Arthur Rackham (he does a lot of fairy like illustrations). Winslow Homer does a lot of the sea. Kmye chan is much lesser known and modern, but she does these lovely gothic Victorian princess like figures (in my mind). Kelly Thompson draws high fashion women.

It doesn't even necessarily need to be an illustrator's work. Many artists did series- Monet's haystacks, or Degas' Dancers for example.

For more illustrators This Blog talks about several from the 40's and 50's.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inspiration - Lyrics

So, you've probably heard, "OMG, music inspires me to write!" With or without the 'Omg'. Personally, I can't stand listening to music most of the time when I'm trying to think. I love it for large scale tedium though. Like transcribing.

However, lyrics are another story. So... listen to your favorite song, listen to a song you hate (or just look up the lyrics) and get inspired.

Personally, I was recently StumbleUpon-ing and stumbled upon a page that completed children's songs. Most of it was pretty obscure. My current project was then inspired.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Writing Exercise- Keep a Journal

Haha, you might be thinking, I'm not a thirteen year old girl! (or maybe you are and think the previous statement is inane stereotyping, in which case, more power to you.)

But seriously, a journal can be a valuable thing. It can foster a daily writing habit- one of the best habits to have if you have plans to make it professionally.

Also, it can be a great source of inspiration. Write about the people around you, the environment you're in, a particularly interesting conversation you had/overheard someone else having, etc. All of this can contribute to stories in the future. Also, it's a fabulous place to write down any ideas you have but can't necessarily pursue at the moment.

It's fabulously cheap as well. You can pick up a spiral bound for a dollar at most office supply stores and can steal a pen from free from your local dentist. :)