Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inspiration- Cliches Part 2

So the other day I wrote about using cliches for inspiration. Today, I am again, but another kind of cliche. The cliched phrase.

unwritten law
cruising the streets
the power behind the throne
rising tide 

All of these are something you can use as a jumping off point. Find a list and look at them. Base a story around them, a character, a plot point, anything. Or, you can just use them. Sometimes, when I'm feeling stuck, I'll write using pretty much just cliches. I'll jump from one to another. Lots of types of scenes have certain phrases that are used a lot- kissing scenes, sex, romance, fight scenes, mexican stand-offs, break-ups, awkward conversations... If you read a lot, you will often see phrases pop up in these scenes that are identical or very similar. And while later, you should definitely go back and change at least some to something more original, they're fine to start with.

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